Our Impact

Since the launch of our cam­paign in 2008, we have heard from 125+ fam­i­lies in 36 states and 5 coun­tries who reached out to share how Count the Kicks helped their baby arrive safe­ly. Through years of out­reach and edu­ca­tion, the babies we have helped still inspire us the most. Meet a few of the babies your generous dona­tions have helped to save and hear what their par­ents say this cam­paign means to them.


Count the Kicks saved my son’s life. In hindsight, I should have called the doctor’s office sooner, but I knew to call because I had been tracking him for almost two weeks. It’s so important to me to share my story because not every woman and baby has the same outcome I did. Count the Kicks gave me the tools and data I needed to advocate for myself and my baby.” 

 Emily L., Henri’s mom


My sweet Senara Yahfahya was born a bit early, but alive on Feb. 14 – a perfect Valentine’s gift. I am so in love with Senara and deeply grateful for Count the Kicks, my attentive medical team and for the knowledge I had to speak up so that I am able to watch my daughter grow up.”

— Destiny P., Senara’s mom

Lily Lou

They decided to do an emergency C‑section and Lily was born at 35 weeks and 6 days, and spent a few days in the NICU. The doctors weren’t sure what caused the decrease in her heart rate, but knew that she was showing us she was in distress. I am thankful I was paying attention to my kicks and went to get checked out right away. It helped save our baby girl’s life!”

— Alexa R., Lily Lou’s mom


My medical team deter­mined that my son was in serious distress and he needed to be delivered immedi­ately. Thank­fully my sweet Michael Jamari was born safely and only needed to spend a short amount of time in the NICU. My doctor told me that my baby would not have survived the night if I had not come to the hospital. I am grateful my doctor educated me with Count the Kicks and listened to my concerns because both saved Michael’s life.”

— Jasmine E., Michael’s mom


Without the app, I would not have been so in tune with my baby and her first indica­tions of my high blood pressure and her decreasing heart tones would not have been identified. My daughter is here, happy and healthy, thanks to my regular use of the Count the Kicks app. Thank­fully, I was able to avoid another tragic still­birth by recog­nizing my baby’s first signs of distress through the app.”

— Melissa A., Zoey’s mom


Because of counting kicks on this app regularly, I noticed that one night my baby suddenly started moving less. Turns out the baby was having decel­er­a­tions. Quentin was eventually delivered after about 30 hours via emergency C‑section at 31 weeks and 4 days. My baby is now 6 months old and thriving. Kick counting really does save lives and this is the top tip I give to expecting moms. Thank you.

— Bettina V., Quentin’s mom